Tennessee Rare Trees and Shrubs

The State of Tennessee has a wide range of physiographic provinces, which are reflected by a great diversity of plant species, including forest trees and shrubs. The Tennessee Rare Plant List (Crabtree, Todd. 2021. Tennessee Natural Heritage Program. Rare Plant List. 57 pp. (PDF) ranks species for relative occurrence within the state. According to this publication:

  • S1– Extremely rare and critically imperiled in the state with five or fewer occurrences, or very few remaining individuals, or because of some special condition where the species is particularly vulnerable to extirpation from Tennessee.
  • S2– Very rare and imperiled within the state, six to twenty occurrences and less than 3,000 individuals, or few remaining individuals, or because of some factor(s) making it vulnerable to extirpation from Tennessee.
  • S3– Rare and uncommon in the state, from 21 to 100 occurrences.

UT-TIP presently conserves the genetic resources of five species that range from S1 to S3 in the State ranking system. Three of the species have or are being decimated by nonnative pests. The other two species are very rare within the state.

American chestnut [Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh., State rank: S2S3.

American Chestnut Blight
Small American Chestnut Seedlings
Different growth of large American chestnut hybrid families. 
July 29, 2009
Large American Chestnut Seedlings
Different growth of small American chestnut hybrid families.  July 29, 2009

American chestnut was once a commonly encountered species, until two nonnative diseases, chestnut blight disease [causal agent: Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill) M. E. Barr] and Phytophthora root rot disease (causal agent: Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands), removed the species as a mature component of the forest overstory. Both UT-TIP directors have worked with American chestnut. Professor Thor studied blight resistance in surviving pure American chestnut trees (not sprouts) and attempted to develop blight resistant trees without the integration of genes from nonnative chestnut species. Professor Schlarbaum and cooperators evaluated the 1930s Asian Chestnut Climatic Tests and hybrid chestnut plantings established in the 1940s and 1950s. More recently, the UT-TIP has played a supporting role in field research led by Drs. Stacy L. Clark and Cornelia C. Pinchot, both USDA Forest Service scientists.