Precision Forestry Research

Using high-quality studies, UT-TIP works with silviculturists and forest managers to develop protocols for successful artificial regeneration of different hardwood species on post-harvest sites, particularly oaks. The seedlings used in these experiments are pedigreed and highly characterized for size, including root system. Similarly, the sites are highly characterized and prepared in various configurations. Seedlings grown from the Tennessee Hardwood Seed Orchard System are increasingly being used in these experiments, as the orchards come into reproductive maturity. UT-TIP primarily works with Dr. Allan E. Houston, UT Research Professor, using sites on the Ames AgResearch and Education Center and Dr. Stacy L. Clark, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, using sites on southern National Forests. Typically, UT-TIP collects seed, grows and characterizes the seedlings, places the seedlings in an experimental design provided by Professor Saxton, helps with initial planting establishment, and occasionally assists with measuring and evaluating the studies.

Precision Forestry experiment site
Dr. Allan Houston with surviving trees marked with flagging in a precision forestry experiment on the Ames Plantation at age 15 
Precision Forestry Tree - Cherrybark Oak
Precision forestry experiment canopy surrounding planted cherrybark oak
Precision Forestry Tree - Swamp Chestnut Oak
Precision forestry experiment canopy surrounding planted swamp chestnut oak