The Tennessee Seed Zone System was developed to give guidance to seed collections for reforestation and research purposes across the State of Tennessee, ecoregions within Tennessee, and in individual counties. The seed zone maps were developed using 30 years of county-level weather data, elevational gradients, and information from Bailey’s Ecoregions (Bailey, R.G. 1980. Description of the ecoregions of the United States. USDA For. Serv. Misc. Publ. 1391. 77pp.). For a more detailed description, see: Post, Lisa S., S.E. Schlarbaum, Frank van Manen, R.A. Cecich, A. M. Saxton, and J. F. Schneider. 2003. Development of Hardwood Seed Zones for Tennessee Using a Geographic Information System SJAF 27(3): 172-175.